behind that of any other Western European
Power, In short, Russia was quite unsuited for
a social revolution. Marxian Socialism tells us
that. capitalist society contains within itself the
germs of its own disruption. According to
this theory, Socialism, cais emerge only when
contradictions in capitalist society have become
so severe a^ to handicap all social progress while
retaining the capitalist structure of social orga-
nisation, in other words, Socialism can be
introduced only after capitalism has developed to
its full stature. Of course, astrict adherence to this
law of Socialist development is today considered
orthodox Marxism and revolutionary Socialism
believes that this law does not operate in its
strictness under conditions when Capitalism has
reached its last stage of development, vte that
of Imperialism. Under these changed conditions,
full development of capitalism need not be the
necessary pre-condition for a Socialist revolution
in any one country. This is Lenin's revision of
Marxian theories. But then even Lenin upto the
eve of the Russian Revolution believed in the
correctness of the above law enunciated ^
Marx. Kari Kautsby^ the outstanding leader


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